Glass Half Full

written by Leslie Peralta 20 Jan ’15

Although I knew my laptop battery was about to give way, I neglected to seek out a replacement before my departure — lesson learned.

Needless to say, I was a little disappointed to make the discovery, especially after such a long and exhausting day on the road. My initial reaction was that of denial — I kept pushing for power and switching the outlets — followed immediately by anger: the first two stages of grief.

I pulled my typical “woe is me/why?” routine, but instead of acting out the next three stages, I took a step back and assessed the situation. Yes, it’s irritating and very inconvenient. Yes, it’ll make certain things a little tricky. And yes, the show must go on.

What if maybe, just maybe, this seemingly bad stroke of luck will ultimately shift things in a new direction. By removing the option to edit photos, stream movies and blog incessantly, I will actually spend more time living in the moment as opposed to recreating it. I’ll be here, be present, and that can only be seen as positive; at least that’s what I’m telling myself.

With my attitude in check and the frown starting to fade, the next course of action was shut-eye. Moving from Malapascua to Bohol was no easy feat. After nine hours, three boats, one bus, a few angry men, two motorbikes, and a taxi, I had arrived. Barely.

From here on out little snippets and photos will come from my phone, which means posts riddled with typos. I’ll just say it now… “Oops.”

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